High precision cuts, guaranteeing consistent and reliable results.
Superior durability, reducing the need for frequent changes.
Low-profile design for greater comfort and handling during use.
Less friction during cuts, resulting in a smoother cutting experience.
Ideal for histotechnicians and pathologists looking for quality and innovation.
Precise and uniform cuts : Advanced technology that enables high-precision cuts, essential for detailed and reliable diagnoses.
Superior durability : The triple coating guarantees an extended service life, promoting economy and efficiency.
Reduced friction and smoothness : The CHROMATEX coating reduces friction, facilitating smoother and more continuous cuts.
Adaptability and Versatility : Suitable for most high-profile microtomes, it meets the demands of any laboratory.
Practicality and Economy : Pack of 50 units, optimizing performance and practicality in daily use.
Precise and consistent cuts for paraffin-embedded samples.
Ceramic and PTFE coating for greater durability and reduced friction.
Immediate use, no prior cleaning required.
Security seal that guarantees quality control and product integrity.
Compatible with various microtomes, making laboratory routine easier.
High precision in histological sections.
Reduction of friction and elimination of striations with PTFE coating.
Durability and consistency thanks to special stainless steel.
Practicality and safety with disposable razors.
Suitable for ultra-thin biopsy sections.
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